Anchor Documents in American Civilization Series
Publisher: Doubleday
Years: 1964-1969
Related Series: Anchor Books, Anchor Modern Studies in Philosophy, Anchor Natural History Library, Anchor Octavos, Anchor Science Study Series, Anchor Seventeenth-Century Series
Anchor to Start New Paperback Series, PW, Oct. 28, 1963, at 42:
Anchor Books is starting a new paperback series called Documents in American Civilization, the first three titles of which will be published on January 3. . . . The first three books in the new series are "Ideology and Power in the Age of Jackson" edited with an introduction by Edwin C. Rozwenc ($1.45); "The Indian and the White Man" edited with an introduction by Wilcomb E. Washburn ($1.95); and "Quest for America, 1810-1824" by Charles Sanford ($2.45).