Mass Market Series
Mass Market Series
Ace Books (A. A. Wyn 1952)
Ace Double Novels (1954)
Star Books (1960)
The American Library (David McKay Co. 1942-1944)
Avon Books (1941)
Eton Books (1951)
Bard Books (1956)
Ballantine Books (1952)
Bantam Books (1945)
Bantam Giants (1950)
Beagle Books (Ballantine 1970)
Belmont (?)
Berkley Books (Berkley 1955)
Black Cat Books (Grove Press 1961)
Checkerbooks (1949-1950)
Comstock Editions (Ballantine 1971)
Crest Books (Fawcett 1955)
Dell Books (1943)
Dell First Editions (1953)
Laurel Editions (1958)
Gold Medal Books (Fawcett 1950)
Gold Medal Specials
Gold Medal Giants
Red Seal Books
Graphic Books (1949-1957)
Harrow Books (Harper & Row 1970)
Hillman (?)
Lion Books (1949)
Mockingbird Books (Ballantine 1973)
Pelican Books & Mentor Books
Pelican Shakespeare
Permabooks (Doubleday, merged with Pocket Books in 1954)
Cardinal Editions (1950)
Giant Cardinal Editions
Pocket Library (1954)
Pocket Library of Great Art (w/ Harry N. Abrams 1953)
Popular Library (Pines Publications 1942)
Premier Books (Fawcett 1955)
Pyramid Books (Almat Publishing Co. 1949)
Red Arrow Books (Columbia Arts Work, Inc. 1939)
Washington Square Press