Daniel Melcher

Dan Melcher Writes on Publishing for the Young, PW, Nov. 18, 1939, at 1924 (describing Melcher's book Young Mr. Stone, Book Publisher, with photo of Melcher).

DANIEL MELCHER, PW, Dec. 21, 1946, at 3303 (announcing Melcher will join R. R. Bowker Co. on Jan. 1, 1947, to work on Library Journal).

PW, Feb. 18, 1956 (Melcher elected general manager of R. R. Bowker Co. and a member of the board of directors).

DANIEL MELCHER, PW, Feb. 2, 1959, at 64 (Melcher elected vice president of R. R. Bowker Co.)

THE R. R. BOWKER CO., PW, May 13, 1963, at 38 (announcing Melcher elected president of R. R. Bowker Co. on May 2, 1963).

Nancy Larrick, Daniel Melcher, 24 BULL. BIBLIOGRAPHY 225-228, 248 (Jan.-Apr. 1966).

THE R. R. BOWKER CO., PW, Sept. 16, 1968, at 54 (announcing that Melcher will step down as president and become chairman of R. R. Bowker Co. and will join the staff of the Xerox Educational Division).

People: DANIEL MELCHER, PW, Feb. 3, 1969, at 45 (announcing Melcher's resignation as chairman and reviewing his tenure at Bowker).

DANIEL MELCHER, PW, July 5, 1971, at 34 (announcing Melcher has been elected director and chairman of the board of the Gale Research Co.)

DANIEL MELCHER, PW, Oct. 24, 1974, at 18 (announcing Melcher has joined Arno Press as a consultant).

Brian Alley, A Conversation with Daniel Melcher, 2 TECHNICALITIES 4-5, 7 (Sept. 1982).

Obituary Notes: Daniel Melcher, PW, Aug. 9, 1985, at 22.


https://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/biographies/daniel-melcher/ (From the American Library Association Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (New York: 3rd Edition, 1993).

The Papers of the Melcher Family, Special Collections, University of Virginia, https://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=uva-sc/viu01312.xml


Dan Melcher, The Role of Computers, in Kathryn Luther Henderson, ed., TRENDS IN AMERICAN PUBLISHING 49 ((U. Ill. Graduate School of Library Science 1968), https://archive.org/details/trendsinamericanalalle/page/n5/mode/2up.

  • Son of Frederic Melcher, head of Bowker from 1934-1958

  • Joined Bowker in 1947 as publisher of Library Journal

  • Founded Junior Libraries (later School Library Journal from 1961 on) in 1954

  • Devised and launched Books in Print in 1948, Paperbound Books in Print in 1955, Subject Guide to Books in Print in 1957, and the American Book Publishing Record in 1961

  • Helped establish the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in the mid-1960s

  • Became president of Bowker in 1963 and was named chairman in 1968 after he and other stockholders voted to sell Bowker to Xerox

  • Resigned from Bowker in 1969