R.R. Bowker Addresses
Addresses of the R.R. Bowker Company (and associated corporate entities):
712 Broadway, New York (1872-1873)
Potter Building, 37 Park Row, New York (1873-1879)
13-15 Park Row, New York (1879-1883)
31 and 32 Park Row, New York (1883-1887)
330 Pearl Street, New York (1887-1892)
28 Elm Street, New York (1892-1894)
54 Duane Street, New York (1894-1895)
59 Duane Street, New York (1895-1900)
P.O. Box 943, 298 Broadway, New York (1900-1913)
141 East 25th Street, New York (1913-1914)
241 West 37th Street, New York (1914-1919)
62 West 45th Street, New York 19 (1919-1962)
1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York 36/10036 (1963-1983)
Other later corporate addresses:
1911 Rowland Street, Riverton, New Jersey 08077 (1983- 1986)
P.O. Box 1979, Marion, Ohio 43302 (1986-)
Order Dept., P.O. Box 1807, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 (PW, Aug. 21, 1972, at 20)
Subscription Service Dept., P.O. Box 67, Whitinsville, Mass. 01588 (PW, Aug. 29, 1977, at [45])
P.O. Box 762, New York, NY 10011
121 Chanlon Road, New Providence, NJ 07974 (after they were purchased by Reed)
PW, May 3, 1913, at 1589 ("The office of the PUBSLISHERS' WEEKLY is now located at 141 East 25th Street, New York. Two blocks east of Madison Square.")
Publishers' Weekly Thru 50 Years, 1872-1921, PW, Jan. 1, 1921, at 9.
PW, Apr. 18, 1914, at 1292 ("The offices of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY as well as those of the other periodicals and publications of the R. R. Bowker Company will be removed May 1st to 241 West 37th Street, west of Broadway.")
New Offices for Publishers' Weekly at 62 West 45th Street, PW, June 14, 1919, at 1629 ("On Monday, June 16, the offices of R. R. Bowker Co. will be established in the new quarters on 45th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, just west of G. P. Putnam's Sons.")
John Day Co. Moves Main Offices, PW, Jan. 4, 1947, at 59 ("The John Day Company has moved . . . to 62 West 45th Street, New York 19. The offices are in the same building as PW. John Day occupies the fourth floor and the Bowker Co. the 8th, 10th and 11th floors.")
'Tis Fifty Years Since: Publishers' Weekly Office in an Earlier Day, PW, Jan. 18, 1947, at 278, 279 ("From 1892 to 1900 [PW] moved three times, to dingy habitations in the lower Broadway region . . . Then, in 1900, a fourth move was made, to 298 Broadway . . .")
The Bowker Office Today, PW, Jan. 18, 1947, at 348-355 (describing the arrangement of every floor of the building in which Bowker operated).
Bowker Plans to Move to 1180 Sixth Ave., N.Y., PW, Dec. 3, 1962, at 24 ("The R. R. Bowker Co. will move during the first few months of 1963, on a date to be announced, to a new building at 1180 Avenue of the Americas, in New York, at 46th Street. The new address is a block away from the present, long-established address, 62 West 45th Street.")
Bowker Stockholders Approve Sale to Xerox Corporation, PW, Jan. 2, 1968, at 24.
Reed International Buys R. R. Bowker from Xerox, PW, Sept. 20, 1985, at 20.
Jim Milliot, Big Deals Highlighted 2021 Acquisitions, PW (Dec. 31, 2021), https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/article/88202-big-deals-highlighted-2021-acquisitions.html ("The biggest acquisition came in the information and library publishing market, where London-based Clarivate bought ProQuest for $5.3 billion. (The deal did not included Bowker, which remains part of Cambridge, a separate unit of ProQuest.)")