Stein and Day Paperbacks
Publisher: Stein and Day
Years: 1969-1971
Related Series: --
Stein and Day entered the quality trade publishing field quite late, in spring 1969. Their paperback titles mostly pulled from their hardcover backlist, with a few titles being published simultaneously in hardcover and paperback. The series continued well past 1971 but dropped the series numbering beginning in 1972.
N.B.: I couldn't verify the series numbers for Quennell's Alexander Pope (Spring 1970), James's Che Guevara (Fall 1970), or Dauven's The Powers of Hypnosis (Spring 1971). Their placement is based on gaps I had in the list after exhausting all my bibliographic sources, of which Publishers Weekly at least verified they were published. Two titles, Frost's The Americans and Kitner's The Kent State Massacre appear never to have been published in Stein and Day Paperback editions, although at least The Americans was published by Stein and Day in hardcover. Their placement in the list is a best guess based on PW's listed future date of publication in this series.
Additional Information
Stein and Day to Launch Paperback Line This Spring, PW, Oct. 21, 1968, at 34.
New Imprint: Stein and Day Paperbacks, PW, May 19, 1969, at 74 (discussing the pricing of the first 8 titles and listing their publication date as May 28, 1969).