PW Indexes
Volume 160 (July - December 1951)
Paper-Cover Books: Sales, Reprinting of Long Novels Big Factor in, 863; promotion materials, 865; Lists, Fall, Pace-Setting Reprints and Originals in. 1137; reprint covers, lurid, cuts down Army buying, 2315
Volume 161 (January - June, 1952)
Paper-covered books: newsstand reprints and originals by categories, 196; Paper-covered Book Field Reflects Increasing Sales, Excessive Bidding, 785; Paperback (Original) Publishing Grows; Its Merits and Effects Are Debated, 1831; Ballantine plan, 1993; 2343; 2442; Gold Medal, 1831; Lion’s original titles supplement reprints, 1995; Gold Medal, 2442; 2542
Volume 162
Volume 163 (January - June, 1953)
Paper-covered books: effect of reprints on sale of originals, letter by bookseller, 183; spring lists show trends for 1953, 476; publishers report on sales and costs in 1952, 476; “Some Outstanding Spring Titles,” 747; trends surveyed (editorial), 981; some best sellers reported, 1048; Pocket Books plans price test, 1048; publishers discuss reprint guaranties before Authors Guild, 1048; some change in cover-design policies under way, 1424; trends in westerns, science fiction, “serious” titles, 1424; “Selling Papercovered Books in a Large Bookstore,” 1426; trends and problems discussed at meeting of Atlantic Coast Independent Distributors Assoc., 1732; Authors Guild sets up committee to study reprint field, 1740 presses for author’s voice in sale of paperback reprint rights, 2587; “The Future of the Paper-Bound Book,” by Freeman Lewis, 2664; see also Censorship
Volume 164
Volume 165 (January - June, 1954)
Paper-covered books: small-book publishers to join in 1953 Statistical Survey of the Book Publishing Industry, 1061; Knopf announces new paper-bound series, Vintage Books, 1341, correction, 2574; number of hardcover publishers’ titles appearing in paper reprints in 1953, statistics on, 1069; to be reviewed in monthly column by San Francisco Chronicle, 1889; “Paper Books Dominate Trade Book Discussion at NACS Convention,” by Arnold H. Swenson, 2044; problems of distribution to specialized sections of the “mass market” discussed, 2077; “If I Were a Dealer . . .” by Wallis Howe, Jr., 2078; Bureau of Independent Publishers and Distributors in drive for increased supermarket business, 2080; Albert R. Leventhal discusses role of price in mass market merchandising, 2285; Religious Pubrs. Group hears discussion of “Mass Distribution of Religious Books: A Report on Recent Catholic Experience,” 2471; effect of paperbound books on economics of bookselling discussed at ABA convention, 2620; “crisis” in industry seen in distribution, not consumer demand, 2647; see also Censorship; Distribution, book; The Mass Market, monthly section; Wholesalers, book
Volume 166 (July - December, 1954)
Paper-covered books: statistics quoted on sale of paperbacks to American soldiers in Korea, 162; exhibit of U.S. paper bound books in Colombo, Ceylon, successful, 202; 12 N.Y.C. newsdealers form Newsdealers’ Distributing Co., Inc., to resist tie-in sales, 530; reduction in number of titles and in royalty advances reported, 823; “Some Leading Fall Titles in the Paper-Bound Field,” 1090; “miniature libraries” of serious U.S. paperbound books distributed in Asia through U.S. Information Agency, 1117; Special Book Export Editions of low-priced, paperbound trade books planned for export sale, 1117; William J. Eisenlord, San Francisco, starts new radio program, “Soft Cover World,” 1627; use of paperbound books by libraries discussed by Freeman Lewis, Frank L. Schick, 1663; status of industry discussed in article by Freeman Lewis, 1664; higher-priced lines summarized, 2031; remarks by Victor Weybright on the effect of mass market books on the national culture, 2057: USIA announces “American Bookshelf” of 98 paperbound books to be distributed overseas through CARE, 2323; analysis of problems and opportunities created by the multiplication of “serious" paperbound lines (editorial), 2326; statistics on paperbound book sales in drug stores, 2341; see also Censorship; The Mass Market, monthly section; Small books; Wholesalers, book
Volume 167 (January - June, 1955)
“Paperbound Books in Print,” index and subject guide, produced by Bowker, 38
Paper-covered books: publishers report export sales trends, 588; “Some Outstanding Spring Titles in Paper Covers,” 634; booksellers discuss their paperbound book operations, 1157; significance of higher-priced lines to bookstores discussed at ABA New England Regional Meeting, 1378; Harcourt, Brace to launch new series of higher-priced paperbound reprints, Harvest Books, 1385; Columbia University prepares historical exhibit on “The Evolution of American Publishing in Paperbacks,” 1587; potential high school market revealed in experience of one independent wholesaler, 1881; market for higher-priced paperbacks tested by Eastern News Co. in carefully controlled wholesale operation, 1882; development of paperbook publishing at turn of century traced (editorial), 1948; Knopf to experiment with a paperbound original, 2006; quality found increasingly important in lowpriced, mass appeal lines, 2259; importance to bookstores of paperbound dep’ts. as plus business stressed (editorial), 2361; AIGA Trade Book Clinic discusses problems of designing covers for quality paperback, 2609; role of paperbacks in bookstores analyzed at ABA annual convention, survey of stores’ experiences with paperbacks reported, 2790, editorial, 2789; Henry Regnery Co. announces new higher-priced line, Gateway Editions, 2776, 2800; see also Censorship; Mass market
Volume 168 (July - December, 1955)
Paper-covered books: paperback book dep’ts. in college stores discussed at ABA convention. 166; new higher-priced line, Great Seal Books, launched by Cornell Univ. Press, 169; possibilities of paperbacks discussed by booksellers at annual meeting of Assoc, of Amer. Univ. Presses. 616, 617; new higher-priced line launched by Falcon's Wing Press, 708; “U S. Paperbacks South of the Border," by Donald Demarest. 736; Spanish language paperback line launched in Mexico. 747; New Directions launches new higher-priced paperbound line, New Directions Paperbooks. 796; “Fall Highspots Among the Paperback Originals & Reprints.” 1234: “The New Look in Paperback Covers” (article), 1492; editorial. 1490; increased use of paperbacks as college textbooks (article), 1750: editorial, 1749; lack of space limits turn over of high-priced lines (article), 1754; economics of bookstore handling of paper-covered books discussed by Walter Martindale at ABA Los Angeles regional meeting. 2053; balance of production and sales seen as continuing problem (editorial), 2141; “The Need for Integrity in Paperback Publishing,” by Kurt Enoch, 2142; Univ. of Chicago Press launches new higher-priced paperback line, Phoenix Books, 2205; public library use of paperbacks analyzed, problems raised by higher-priced lines discussed (article), 2432
Volume 169 (January - June, 1956)
Forecast of paperbacks, May, 1436; June, 1820; July, 2157; Aug., 2658
Paperbacks. Forecast of, see Forecast of Paperbacks
“Paperbacks.” round-up of publication and promotion notes, 3rd issue of month, in “Tips for the Bookseller,” 1805, 2142, 2645
Paper-covered books: “The Oversize Paperbook: With Some Asides on Paperbooks in General,” by Arthur A. Cohen, 24; monthly best seller list for paperbacks debated (editorial), 143; “Best Sellers of 1955 in Paperback Editions” (based on publishers’ total shipments), 144; “Paperback Movie Tie-Ins” (article), 151; title statistics, by category, 1954-55, 199; “Some Outstanding Spring Titles in Paper Covers,” 494; paperbacks in the bookstore discussed at ABA N.Y. Regional Meeting, 1335; increased newsstand sales in 1956 predicted, 1394; “First Year of the K & B Super Book Mart in Chicago,” by W. W. Goodpasture, 1396; increasing variety in paperbacks brings change in status of industry (editorial), 1412; Freeman Lewis warns of growing stockpile of unsold paperbacks, 1543; “Woman Writer and The Paperback Market,” article by Dorothy Gardiner. 1784; cartoons in, article by Charles Preston. 2117; effect in training young readers, (editorial), 2258; CARE distribution of “American Bookshelf” collections helps build markets (article), 2621; see also Forecast; Mass Market
New lines: Assoc’n Press. [ed: Reflection Books, unnumbered] 2131; Grosset & Dunlap, 2130; Harper, 2132; Hill & Wang. 2130; Oxford Univ. Press, 2129; Univ. of Michigan Press, 2130
Volume 170
Volume 171
Volume 172
Volume 173
Volume 174 (July - December, 1958)
“Paperbacks,” roundup of publication & promotion notes, 3rd issue of month, in “Tips,” 7/21:67; 8/ 18:41; 9/15:39; 10/20:31; 11/17:39; 12/15:33
“Paperbacks in Subways,” article by Arthur Hale, 12/15:16
“Paperbound Books in Some Western Bookstores, 11/17:19
Paper-covered books: discussed at AAUP meeting, 7/21:24; shop ads increase, 7/21:72; in drug stores, 8/18:15; reviewing in scholarly journals, 9/15:19; basic art library, 9/15:19; minister’s basic library, 9/15:19; fall semester creates boom in NYU stores & Barnes & Noble, 9/15:26; new Scribner student editions, 9/15:30; Maggie awards, 10/20:14; role in libraries, 10/20:16; in bookstores, 10/20: 35; in Eighth St. Bookshop, N.Y., 10/20:39; original paperbacks, 10/27:20; Reflection Books promotion, 11/17:14. N.Y. Herald Tribune plans special section Jan. 18. 11/17:15; Meridian authorized edition of “Scrolls From the Dead Sea” (letter by Arthur Cohen), 1/17:16; at Vroman’s Book Store, San Diego, speech by John Storm at ABA Los Angeles Regional Meeting, 11/17:17; Correction 12/ 15:26; in west coast bookstores. 11/17:19; Paperback Book Fair at Higbee Co., Cleveland, 11/17: 46; Paperbook Gallery, N.Y., Christmas ad, 12/ 15:13; Bantam Books’ use in education, 12/15:14; Business Week survey reports sales increases, 12/ 15:14; N.Y. Herald Tribune begins regular coverage, 12/15:15; “What’s New in Paperbacks,” Chicago TV feature, 12/15:15; “Paperbacks in Subways,” 12/15:16
New lines: Capricorn Books (Putnam’s), 8/18: 30; Eerdmans Pocket Editions [ed: unnumbered series], 8/18:30
Volume 175 (January - June, 1959)
“Paperbacks,” roundup of publication & promotion notes in “Tips,” 3rd issue of month: 1/19:96, 2/23:70, 3/16:41, 4/20:38, 5/18:47, 6/22:56
Paper-covered books: mass market, quality, categories, print orders, sales reported, 1/19: 36; tabulation & discussion of trends in categories, 1957-58, 1/19:39; top sellers of 1958 reported by publishers, discussed, 1/19:53; best sellers, 1958, 1/19:53; N.Y. Herald Tribune section, 1/26:171; regular coverage in N.Y. Herald Tribune, 2/23:45; growth in export sales of mass market paperbacks, (article by Arthur Hale), 2/23:52; “Evergreen Book Week,” Washington, D.C., 2/23:57; reduced trucking rates, 2/23:58; for teenagers, on WMSB-TV, E. Lansing, Mich., 3/16:19; 1959 trends (article by Arthur Hale), 3/16:21; Roman Catholic titles decrease in 1958, 3/ 16:32; “gravity feed” display racks, 3/16:33; display by subject vs. line, 3/16:50; in Brentauo’s, N.Y., 3/1652; reprint of N.Y. Herald Tribune lists, 4/6:14; British best sellers, 4/ 20:19; Pocket Books & Bantam Books in Boston area educational TV series, 4/20:21; discussed at meetings of Atlantic Coast Independent Distributors Association, Bureau of Independent Publishers & Distributors, Council for Independent Distribution, 4/20:22; future of “quality” paperbacks discussed at AIGA Trade Book Clinic meeting, 4/20:25: Doubleday Book Shops expand paperback business (editorial), 4/20:33; Evergreen Book Week promotion, Washington, D.C., 4/20:44; Evergreen Book Week, San Francisco, 5/4: 23; merchandising techniques studied at NACS annual meeting, 5/18:25; Lamston, N.Y., features Sunset Books (Lane), 5/18:54; sales of Erie Stanley Gardner Pocket Books titles, 6/22:23; “Paperbacks in India,” (article by Arthur Hale), 6/22:29; dept, expanded in Lewis Meyer bookstore, Tulsa, Okla., 6/22:60; promoted at University Co-op, Madison, Wis., 6/29:54
New lines: Bantam bilingual paperbacks, 3/16:32; Cambridge U. Press [ed: unnumbered series], 6/8:49; Christendom Books (Doubleday), 6/1:34; Evergreen Gallery Books, 4/20:30; Hillman line [ed: Westerns], 2/23: 57; Macmillan Paperback Poets, 5/18:31; Praeger Paperbacks, 6/15:110; Prentice-Hall, 4/20:28; Science Study Series (Doubleday), 3/23:48; Vintage Russian Studies, 6/22:43
Volume 176 (July - December, 1959)
Paper-covered books: correction of article on paperbacks in India (Arthur Hale), 7/6:53; in Asia and Africa, through USIA, 7/13:21; at Amer. Nat’l Exhibition, Moscow, 7/20:37; sales of various editions of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover,” 7/20:37; paperback book fairs, in various department stores, 7/20:82; various editions of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover,” 8/10:42; annual N. Y. Herald Tribune supplement, “Paperback Books Today,” 8/17:15; “With the Paperbacks,” biweekly N.Y. Herald Tribune dept., reprints, 8/17:15; Scholastic Magazines’ Campus Book Club, 8/17:24; “Maggie Awards,” 8/17:25; 11/30:19; four editions or “Lady Chatterley’s Lover,” 8/17:41; Rand McNally to publish paperback school editions of U. of Chicago Press History of American Civilization Series, 8/24:38; advertising in (letter by William Gekle), 9/7:22; AIGA paperback cover exhibit, 9/7:94; “Paperbacks on Modern Warfare” (U.S. Naval Academy), 9/14:18; dept, at Pickwick Bookshop, Hollywood, Calif., 9/14:20; Newsdealer best-seller lists, 9/14:28; religious & business lists in Library Journal, 9/28:24; in libraries, 9/28:24; new dept, in Val’s Cigars & News, Great Falls, Mont., 9/28:58; “History of Western Art” (NAL) 10/19:9; N.Y. Herald Tribune second “Paperback Books Today,” 10/19:23; replace some sidelines in bookstores, 10/19:39, covers in AIGA show, 11/ 9:70: Spectrum (Prentice-Hall) TV promotion, 11/16:19; Chicago Sun-Times issues supplement, plans regular feature, 11/16:20; Acme News Co., N.Y.. distributor for 4 British paperback lines, 11/16:34; USIA distributes science libraries, 11/ 16:34, education TV stimulates sales, 11/16:50; sales of major lines, 1/16:33 correction, 11/ 30:23; N.Y. Area Booksellers Assn, seeks clarification of mass market paperback discounts, 12/ 7:22; Hill & Wang buys Sagamore Press paperback American Century Series, 12/7:25; sales of “Lost Horizon” (Pocket Books), 12/28:30; Denver Post paperback supplement. 12/28:31; Toledo Public Library display, 12/28:31; use in schools, survey by Nat’l Council of Teachers of English, 12/28:37; bookmobile distribution described. 12/ 28:39: new N.Y. stores, 12/28:72; Wanamaker’s, Philadelphia. 12/28:72
Binding: W. F. Hall Printing Co., 9/7:74; J. W. Clement Co., 9/7:82; editorial, 9/7:73;
New lines: Ace Star Books [ed: genre line], 12/28:49; Barnes & Noble American Authors and Critics Series, 12/28:49; Beacon Series in Liberal Religion, 11/ 16:35; Doubleday Dolphin Books 12/28:47: Harper Science Library. 7/20:67; McGraw-Hill Paperback Series, 10/19:22; Macmillan Paperbacks, 11/ 16:34; Meridian Fiction, 8/17:23; Premier World Classic (Fawcett), 10/19:21; Scribner Library, 11/16:33; Swallow Paperbacks, 10/19:23; U. of Chicago History of American Civilization series, 7/20:67; Viking Explorer Books, 12/28:48; World Christian Books (Association Press), 8/17:25; Yale Paperbounds, 7/20:66
Volume 177 (January - June, 1960)
“Paperbacks,” publication & promotion notes, 3rd issue of month, in “Tips,” 1/18:137; 2/22:57; 3/21:51; 4/18:36; 5/16:55; 6/20:72
“Paperbound Books in Print” (Bowker), article on typesetting, by Joseph Davis, 5/2:75
Paper-covered books: AIGA cover exhibit, 1/4:116; religious titles, 1/11:37(11); Dell best sellers, 1959, 1/18:72; production, 1958-59, 1/18:76; best sellers, 1959, by publisher, 1/18:89; more publishers start lines, 1959, 1/18:97; expanding market (editorial), 1/18:132; AIGA paperback cover show reviewed by Arthur Hale, listed by title, 2/1:76; Bantam Classics artwork (letter by Saul David), 2/8:36; review of cover show, correction, 2/22:50; at Aberdeen Book Co., N.Y., 2/22:64; at Book Case, Inc., N.Y., 2/22:64; Chicago Tribune special issue, 3/7:19; Lifschultz Fast Freight reduces quantity shipment rate, 3/14:40; “Pocket Book Coat,” 3/21:17; Toledo Public Library display rack, 3/21:31; “World of Mathematics” ad protested by booksellers, 3/21:29; “Paperbound Books in Print” (Bowker) resumes author indexes, plans title indexes, 3/21:51; National Book League (London) exhibition, 3/28:25; San Francisco Examiner section, 4/4:16; Chicago Tribune paperback supplement, 4/11:13; billionth Dell Disney comic book 4/18:14; Monarch Books to be scented, 4/18:14; District News Co., Washington, D.C., school service, 4/18:24; display rack, 5/16:62; given away by Henry Hudson Hotel, N.Y., 5/30:16; Bantam “Angelique” promotion, 5/30:15; to be published in hard covers, 6/6:60; speech by William Lengel on reprint prices, mass market sales, other topics, 6/20:36; in forthcoming Chicago Tribune Magazine of Books paperback issue, 6/20:38; mass market distribution methods, speech by Jack B. Adams at ABA annual convention, 6/20:43; speech on paperbacks in the mass market at ABA convention by Arthur Cohen, floor discussion, 6/20:46; Brason Associates, Inc., Chicago, now carries, 6/20:58; int’l exhibit, “Paperbacks Across Frontiers,” London, 6/20:59; Random House series of educational handbooks. 6/20:60: exhibit planned for Teachers College (Columbia Univ.) summer sessions, 6/20: 64; in four Colorado stores, 6/20:78; mass market books. 6/27:48
New lines: Atlantic Paperbacks (Ungar), 3/21:31; Columbia Paperbacks, 6/13:68; Merit Books (Belmont Productions), 5/16:44; Oxford Paperbacks, 6/6:121; Premier Americana (Fawcett), 3/ 21:30; Princeton Aeronautical Paperbacks, 2/22: 48; Spotlight Dramabooks (Hill & Wang), 5/16:44; University Paperbacks (Barnes & Noble), 3/21:30; Worthwhile Books (Sterling), 6/20:58
Volume 178 (July - December, 1960)
“Paperbacks,” roundup of publication & promotion notes in “Tips,” 3rd issue of the month: 7/18: 61; 8/15:37; 9/19:37; 10/17:59; 11/21:32; 12/26:48
“Paperbound Books in Print” (Bowker) revises schedule, 8/22:43
Paper-covered books: Doubleday & Co., N.Y., forms expanded quality paperback dept., 7/11: 42; University press paperbacks to be handled by Nat’l Assn, of College Stores, Oberlin, Ohio, 7/11:43; distribution in schools, 7/f8:35; _ “Paperback Review,” newspaper supplement, issued by Book Report Services, N.Y.. 7/18:37; Modern Library Paperbacks (Random House) to be absorbed into Vintage Books (Knopf), 7/18:46: Vintage Books (Knopf) to absorb Modern Library Paperbacks (Random House), 7/18:46; Spectrum Books (Prentice-Hall) paperbacks to expand, change discounts, publish for American Assembly, 7/18:46; ANTA Series of Distinguished Plays, joint project of ANTA & Washington Square Press. N.Y., 7/18:48; Pickwick Bookshop, Hollywood, Calif., runs successful ad, 7/18:68; offered through Sheed & Ward Trumpet, 7/18: 71; “Paperbacks” catalog to be issued by Whitaker & Sons, London, 7/18:49; Aug. promotion to schools by Edwards News Co.. Beaumont, Tex., 7/18:71; Freedom Fund. Inc., revises paperback on U.S.A., issued other Russian language paperbacks, 8/1:32; mail order discount sales, 8/15:15; N.Y. Herald Tribune plans 3rd paperback supplement, 8/15:19; Int’l Cooperation Admin, “little libraries” shipped by Acme Code Co., N.Y., 8/15:29; five publishers forbade use of discriminatory promotional allowances, 8/22: 43; guide to stock space. 9/19:22; autographing party for Moss Hart’s “Act One” (NAD at Woolworth’s, N.Y.. 9/19:43; in Marshall Field & Co.. Chicago, 9/19:44; N.Y. Times supplement, 9/26:21; univ. press paperbacks distributed by NACSUP (Nat’l Assn, of College Stores). 10/ 17:21; N.Y. Herald Tribune supplement, 10/17: 23; studied at annual convention of Council for Periodical Distributors Associations. 10/17:26, editorial, 10/17:45: Doubleday imprints distributed by Garden City Publishing Co.. 10/17:41: sold through newspaper ads. 10/17:64; in-school paperback stores. Buffalo (N.Y.) program, 11/ 21:14; special fixtures in Brentano’s, N.Y., 11/ 21:37; Avon best-seller libraries prizes in movie contest. 11/28:8; Dell Distributing. Inc., & Dell International, Inc., to distribute for Grove Press, N.Y.. 11/28:20: Dell Book editorial functions transferred from Western Publishing Co. to Dell Publishing Co. N.Y.C. office. 11/28:20; Pocket Books, Inc., N.Y., to sell 20% of common stock, current operations described, 11/28:21; Surguine, Ray & Co., Boulder, Colo., wholesaler, adds “quality” paperbacks, 12/5:21; National Office for Decent Literature annual report, 12/26:18; New American Library to issue “Scientific & Cultural Development of Mankind,” 12/26:39; paperback revolution (editorial), 12/26:42
New lines: American Experience Series (Corinith Books), 11/21:20; Apollo Editions, Inc., N.Y., started by Crowell, Dodd, Mead & Morrow, 12/12:27; Bison Books (U. of Nebr. Press). 8/29:261; Chapel Books (Dell), 9/19:27; Contact Editions, Sausalito, Calif., started by Contact, 7/18:49; Cornerstone Library, 10/17:43; Evergreen Target Books, 8/15:29; Insight Books (Van Nostrand), 9/19:26; Outdoor Bibles (Doubleday) [ed: unnumbered series], 12/26:38; Perpetua Books (Barnes), 9/19:27; Praeger Paperbacks-Russian Series, 7/18:48; Praeger University Series, 7/18:49; Premier Classics of American Realism (Fawcett), 9/19:21 Pyramid Royal line, 7/18:47; Russell & Russell scholarly reprints, 9/19:28; University Paperbound Editions (University Publishers), 8/22:47; Webb Books, Cambridge, Mass., 12/26:38; WorldFamous Illustrated Library (Hart), 9/5:42
Volume 179 (January - June, 1961)
“Paperbacks,” publication & promotion notes, 3rd issue of month in “Tips,” 1/16:111; 2/20:58; 3/20:48; 4/17:45; 5/15:34; 6/19:62
Paper-covered books: best-selling titles, other figures, trends, 1960, 1/16:72; Poland to import U.S. paperbacks under Informational Media Guaranty program through Russak & Co., Copenhagen, 1/16:99; advertising & promotion for small paperback bookstore. 3-part article by Melvin Jacobson: part I, 2/6:51; part II, 2/20:32; part III, 3/20:30; basic list issued by Amer. Booksellers Assn., 2/6:64; discussed at Double-day-New York Univ. Seminar in Merchandising Management 3/20:22; Racine Press, New York, new publisher, to specialize in higher-priced paperbacks, 3/20:32; Doubleday liberalizes discounts on all iines, 3/20:33; background, trends, predictions, in talk to Bookbuilders of Boston by George M. McCorkle, NAL. 3/20:34; reviewed by Henry Lash in Junior College Journal & Los Angeles Examiner, 4/3:15; Amer. Inst. Graphic Arts paperback cover show, call for entries, 4/ 10:84; Rinehart Editions have new discount schedule, jackets, 4/17:33; Macfadden Publications. New York, buys Hillman Books from Hillman Periodicals, 5/1:31; S, Fischer of Fischer Verlag comments on paperback book situation in Germany, at Publishers Adclub meeting, 5/ 15:9; new Fawcett discount schedule for Crest, Premier. Gold Medal books, 5/15:23; Los Angeles Times-Mirror buys controlling interest in Ace Books, Ltd., Four Square Books, Ltd., London. through New American Library, New York, 5/15:23; Univ. Cincinnati Library gift to Engineering College upperclassmen, financed by General Electric Foundation, 5/15:24; Univ. California paperbacks have eastern distribution, 5/15:24; Brentano’s, Paris, new paperback outlet, 5/22;44; religious programs discussed at Religious Publishers Group annual meeting, 6/19: 40; all in-print Pocket Books titles stocked at Brentano’s, Inc., New York, 5th Ave. store, 6/19:72; major feature of prize promotion by Ronald H. Garretson, City College Store, New York, 6/19:73; mass-market titles sell best at lunch period, 6/19:75; displayed by means of Hargrove Shelf Converter, 6/19:75; sales history of “The Lonely Crowd” (Yale, Anchor), 6/26: 33
New lines: Alphabooks (John Knox Press), 1/30:86; Anchor Books plans French & Spanish language classics, 1/16:98; Apollo Editions (Crowell, Dodd, Mead & Morrow) announces discounts, sales coverage, 1/16:98; Bantam Reference Library, 1/16:98; Black Cat Books (Grove), 6/19:44; Bollingen Library (Harper), 5/15:23; Bronze, Silver and Gold Editions started by Paperback Library, New York, 5/15: 23; Collier Books (Crowell-Collier), 6/12:106; Concord Books (Concordia Publishing House), 6/19:44; Deus Books (Paulist Press), 2/20:44; Doubleday Ediciones Interamericanas, contemporary works in Spanish, 4/17:34; Hesperides Books (Oxford Univ. Press), 4/24:47; Lancer Books, New York, 5/15:23; Natural History Library (Anchor and Amer. Museum of Natural History), 6/19:42; New Mathematical Library (Random House), 2/20:43; Phoenix Science Series (Univ. Chicago Press), 6/19:43; Rutgers New Jersey series, 4/17:34; Schocken Paperbacks: first titles, discounts, 1/16:99; Sentry Editions (Houghton Mifflin), 3/20:33; Univ. Texas Press Paperbacks, 6/19:43; Western Sage Paperbooks (Alan Swallow), 3/20:33
Volume 180 (July - December, 1961)
“Paperbacks”: 7/17:44: see weekly issues
Paper-covered books: “Pocket-Libri.” Venice. Italv. 7/17:17; radio series, WBBM, Chicago, 7/17:19; religious hardcovers preferred to panerbacks (letter by Mrs. Richard W. Wilson). 7/17:39; two educational exhibits, Columbia Univ.. 7/17:31.35; Bookshelf of America forms subsidiary, issues stock, for vending machines, 8/7:31; weekly coverage begins (editorial). 8/21:77; article on reviewing oaperbounds by Jay Tower. 9/11:30: New English Library formed by merger of Four Sauare Books. Ace Books, NAL’s English firms, 9/18:35: “Tropic of Cancer” unauthorized (.Envoy) and Grove Press Black Cat editions, 10/2:28; reviews by Henry Lash of Los Angeles Examiner (letter by Jay Tower), 10/9:23; Amer. Inst. Graphic Arts second paperback show opens, 10/16 - 35: New York Times article on paperback “explosion” cited, 10/23:20; promoted for Florida school use, 10/30: 14: discussed on “World of the Paperback.” WBBM, Chicago. 10/30:15; New York Herald Tribune plans 4th annual paperback supplement, 11/6:11; Marco & Co., Brooklyn. N.Y., wholesalers to educational market, 11/13:16: article on quality children’s books by Robert T. Jordan, 11/13:18; Amer. Inst. Graphic Arts Paperback Cover Show, 12/4:47,48; Book Mail Service, Jamaica, N.Y., wholesaler, supplies schools, libraries 12/11:18; copyright data incomplete in many reprints (letter by M. Lee Taylor), 12/18:15; see also “Paperback Bookseller on Wheels”
New lines: Airmont Books, 10/2:34; Blaisdell Scientific Paperbacks, 10/2:33; Careers in Depth (Popular Library), paperbacks of Richards Rosen’s hardcovers, 8/121:75; Fortune Building Library (American Research Council), 7/31:26; Gallery Editions (Bantam). 8/14:29; Holloway House, 9/18:36: Regency Books, 8/14:30; Science Editions (Wiley and Basic). 7/3:158; See It and Say It series (New American Library), 8/21:74; Waynebooks (Wayne State Univ. Press), 10/23:31; Xanadu Library (Crown), 9/18:35
Volume 181 (January - June, 1962)
Paperback books: Chicago Tribune paperback supplement, other special issues, 1/1:25: 1961 best sellers, statistics & analysis. 1/15:53: New American Library launching Mentor Omega Books, Catholic series, 1/29:93: new translation of Bible planned by Anchor Books, 1/29:93; role in education subject of conference co-sponsored by Univ. Michigan Library, Amer. Bk. Pubrs. Council. 2/5: 53: distributed in English secondary schools by children’s bookstore of Mary Glasgow and Baker, London, 2/26:30; Adult Elementary Education Series planned by Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2/26: 31; Macmillan “Literary Heritage,” high school Eng. and Amer. literature program, 3/12:37; Amer. Bk. Pubrs. Council and Univ. Michigan conference on paperbacks in education, 3/12:19, 22, editorial, 3/12:40; Collier Books, New York, to issue many new series, 3/19:36; Atheneum Publishers, N.Y., to issue many Harvard Univ. Press titles in paper covers, first list announced, 3/26: 30; Atheneum Publishers, N.Y., to do most Princeton Univ. Press paperbacks, 4/9:29; mass market lines to be distributed nationally to general & college bookstores by A & A Distributors, Boston, 4/16:68; Phoenix Books (Univ. Chicago Press) sells millionth copy, 4/23:33; in college bookstores, article by Arnold H. Swenson, 4/23:40: Collier Books exhibited to faculties of 20 colleges, 4/23:65; Natl. Assn. College Stores’ suggestion to boycott mass-market paperbacks deplored (editorial), 4/23:74; boost sales in New York University Bookstore, 4/23:94; economic problems & prospects discussed at annual meeting of Amer. Bk. Pubrs. Council, 5/14:28; Amer. Inst. Graphic Arts issues call for show, 5/14:38; speech by Leonard Shatzkin of Collier Books to N.Y. Publishing Society, 5/14:38; Time Reading Program. 5/21:38; reviewing increased in N.Y. Herald Tribune, 5/28:19; Grune & Stratton, N.Y., issues first two, 5/28:19; sales & markets discussed at Amer. Booksellers Assn, convention, 6/18:22; see also Book clubs; Vend-A-Book Corp.
New lines: Barnes & Noble Art Series, 6/4: 130; Charter Books (Bobbs-Merrill), 4/16:74; Citadel Pioneer Books, 2/5:69; College Course Guides (Doubleday), 4/30:34; Dell Visual Books, 2/26:29; Delta Books (Dell), 1/15:85; Dolphin Guides (Doubleday), 4/23:69; Great Debate Series (Regnerv), 1/8:74; Harbinger Books (Harcourt, Brace & World). 6/25:41; Harper Colophon Books, 5/28:43: Illini Books to be issued by Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana, 6/4:132; Panermac books (St. Martin’s Press), imports from England. 1/8: 61; Premier Behavioral Science (Fawcett), 3/12:: 38; San Francisco Review to issue limited number of paperbacks, 6/4:132: Searchlight Books (Van Nostrand), 4/30:34; S/R Books and Reading Guides, Eng. & Amer. literature classics for secondary schools, issued by SR Books, Inc., 4/16: 70; supplemental readings in physics, engineering, etc., to be issued by Van Nostrand for Commission on College Physics, 4/16:72; Tempo Books (Grosset & Dunlap), 5/28:44: Twentieth Century Views (within Prentice-Hall Spectrum line), 2/5: 69; United States Authors Series (College and University Press). 3/12:37: Worlds of Science (Pyramid Publications), reprint series, 3/5:37
Volume 182 (July - December, 1962)
Paperback books: first for children from 3 major firms, 7/2:109; France discovers “true” quality paperbacks, 7/9:30: Scribner ad, output vs. inventories (editorial), 7/9:40; Riverside Bulletin 1871 prophecy, 9/17:28; AID scientific, technical series, 9/17:41; FTC forbids discriminatory promotional allowances, 9/17:41; Meridian Books (World Pub. Co.) to have sewn bindings, 10/1: 33; wholesaler, Mahoning Valley Distributing Agency, Youngstown, Ohio, 10/1:37; libraries to Peace Corps, 10/22:20; new warehousing approach, 10/29:16; focus of Los Angeles and San Francisco meetings of Amer. Booksellers Assn. 11/5:12,18; Amer. Assn, for Advancement of Science—Science Library Program for high school students, 11/12:41; at Stacey’s, San Francisco, 11/12:85; McGraw-Hill has first-refusal rights of several univ. presses, 11/19:30, 12/24:28; vending machines, 11/25:14; for children, market discussed by Women’s Natl. Book Assn. 12/10:25; distribution overseas by Stars and Stripes, 12/>j 17:14; drugstore sales, 12/24:12; German bibliography, 12/24:12; 100-vol. World University Library planned by McGraw-Hill, 12/24:27; see also Books U.S.A.; Foreign rights; Schwartz, Harry W., Bookshop; Sunset News Co.;
New lines: Arc Books (Arco Publishing Co.), 7/16:30; Bantam Pathfinder Editions, 12/10:26; Canadian University Paperbooks (Univ. of Toronto), .12/10:27; Capitol Hill Books (Macfadden Bartell), 8/6:51; Compact Books (FortressPress), 12/3:34; Compass History of Art Series (Viking), 11/26:25; Delta Books (Dell), 8/13:37; Laurel Leaf Library (Dell), 12/10:27; Little, Brown, 8/27:262; Mentor-UNESCO Art Series, 10/22:35; New World Books (International Publishers of New York), 7/30:33; Penguin adds Peacock and Peregrine Books, 10/8:28; Pratt American Sports Library, 11/26:25
Volume 183 (January - June, 1963)
Paperback books: Florida distributors offer scholarships for essays on, 1/7:42; Paperback Book Cover Show, 1/7:79; bookstore sales trends, handling problems, 1962 survey, 1/21:36; publishing problems in higher-priced lines, 1/21:37, addendum (letter), 2/11:55; 1962 title statistics & analysis, 1/21:42; 1962 bookstore best sellers, 1/21:50; publishers’ comments on 1962, 1/21:52; paperback texts unsuccessful in Texas school-use test, 1/21:81; report of Texas group analyzed, 2/4:84; Science Books bought by Wiley, 1/21:82; Technology Unlimited, new jobber of science paperbacks, 1/28: 226; future trends in publishing and sales of (Publishers’ Adclub meeting), 2/4:50; Bowker to issue monthly and 3-month cumulative lists of Paperbound Books in Print, 2/25:38; Nat’l Asoc. of College Stores to wholesale commercial paperback lines, 2/25:39; protest by A & A Distributors (letter), 6/10:56, more publishers join plan, 6/10:123; Bowker to issue “Paperbound Book Guide for High Schools,” 3/4:44; Nat’l. Council of Teachers of English publishes booklet on paperbacks in education, 3/11:13; display and vending devices used in Holland, 4/8:26, correction, 5/20:41; developments in New American Library cover designs traced, 4/8:76; effect of cold weather on adhesives, 4/15:31; scientific & technical paperbacks in schools, 4/15:31; up-dating science paperbacks, 4/15:32; “A Guide to Science Reading” to be published, 4/15:32; District News Co., Washington, D.C., cuts terms on higher-priced paperbacks, 4/15:68; feature on, in N.Y. World-Telegram and Sun, 5/6:12; “Paperbacks for the Junior College,” new bibliography, 5/13:14; Columbus, Ohio libraries experiment with paperbacks, 5/20:20; techniques of handling & merchandising paperbacks in college stores, 5/27:27; psychology & techniques of selling paperbacks to educational market, 6/3:24; problem of publisher-jobber competition (editorial), 6/3:49; “do-it-your-self” hardcover bindings for paperbacks, 6/10:136; discussion of paperback supply problems at Amer. Booksellers Assoc, convention (editorial), 6/24:52
New lines: Clover Books (Dell), 6/10:121; Every Child’s First Color & Learn Books (Dell), 6/10:121; Focus Books (Barnes & Noble), 1/14:69, 4/15:85; Forum Books (World Pub. Co.). 2/4:70; Signet Classic Shakespeare (New American Library). 4/15:85, 5/6:12. 5/6:40
Volume 184 (July - December, 1963)
Paperback books: Columbia Univ. to sponsor two paperback book exhibits, 7/1:43; Amer. Booksellers Assoc, issues 2nd ed. of “Basic Book List of Paperbound Books,” 7/29:33; “Christmas in the Paperback Department,” by Karl Ray, 8/19:39; checklist of paperbacks for Christmas, 8/19:55; new co-op paperback warehouse forming in northwest, 8/26:246; N.J. State Dept, of Education launches study of use of trade paperbacks in N.J. public schools, 9/2:44; new crisis in paperback distribution, 9/16:26
Paperback books: “Languages in Paperback: Tool for Education,” by Mario Pei, 9/30:22; comment on role of hardcover publisher (letter by Gordon Hubei), 10/28:18; reply by Mario Pei (letter), 10/28:19; “New Paperback Revolution: Retail Sales Upsurge,” by Leonard Schwartz, 9/30:25; “Mostly About Paperbacks” (article), by Donald J. Fine, 10/14:26; statistics snow increase in scientific & technical titles, 11/11:28; “Paperbacks at the Fair” to be exhibit at N.Y. World’s Fair, 11/11:70; promotion of paperbacks by booksellers discussed at ABA regional meetings, 11/18:18, 11/18:28; study of paperback distribution problems published, 12/9:37; Nat’l. Assoc, of College Stores regional meetings discuss problems in handling paperbacks, program reported, 12/16:16; price of paperbacks is among new items checked for Consumer Price Index, 12/30:15; see also BIPAD; Book lists; Censorship
New lines: Award Books (Universal Publishing & Distributing Corp.), 11/4:29; Encounter Books (Quadrangle Books), 7/1:41; Facet Books (Fortress Press), 9/9:58; Momentum Books (Van Nostrand), 11/11:78; Quadrangle Books (formerly Encounter Books), 11/11:79
Volume 185 (January - June, 1964)
Paperback books: booksellers report 1963 experiences with paperbacks, 1/20:53; publishers comment on paperback prospects & problems. 1/20:54; durability of different paperback editions tested, 1/20: 55: authors’ royalties on paperbacks discussed, 1/20:55; 1963 title statistics, summary & analysis, 1/20:60; 1963 paperback best sellers in the bookstores, 1/20:70; “Paperbound Book Guide for Colleges” published, “Guide for High Schools” planned. 1/20:118; “1963 Paperback Best Sellers in the Bookstores” (article), 1/20:70; business trends & best sellers in all distribution outlets analyzed by individual publishers, 1/20:71; correction, 2/3:89; 1963 religious paperback output. 2/10:45; Image Books (Doubleday), 10-year history reviewed, 2/10:67; mingling paperbacks and hard-bounds in subject groups recommended (letter), 2/17:37; wholesalers survey inventories problem, 2/24:81; Scholastic Teacher reviews paperbacks in schools, 2/24:81; bookstore classification of paperbacks by subject (article), 3/16:43; “Juvenile Paperbacks or The Curious Case of ‘Curious George’” by Lavinia Russ, 3/16:44; “Paperback Flood: Will Retailer Resistance Force a Slowdown?” (article), 4/13:29; Anderson’s Book Shop, Larchmont, describes experience with new paperback dept., 4/27:86: Paperbacks U.S.A., design exhibition, announced by Amer. Inst, of Graphic Art, 5/4:112; new uses of paperbacks as teaching aids developed by Mobilization for Youth, 5/11: 14: religious paperbacks discussed by Religious Publishers Group, 6/15:50; problems & challenge of paperback distribution discussed by Amer. Bk. Pubrs. Council, 6/22:54; Nat’l. Assoc, of College Stores releases to members list of paperback titles for stock, 6/22:66; selling paperbacks to children & voung people discussed at ABA convention, 6/29:42; . . ,
New lines: Award Military Library (Universal Pub. & Distributing Corp.), 2/24:146: Chime Paperbacks (John Knox Press). 6/15:75; Dutton/ Vista Picturehacks, 3/30:44; Free Press Paperbacks (Free Press of Glencoe), 6/15:75; Harlin Ouist Books (Dell - ). 2/24:133; Little Angel series (Guild Press), 2/24:151: M.I.T. Paperbacks (M.I.T. Press), 1/6:59: New Century Classics (Appleton-Century). 6/29:62: Perennial Library (Harper & Row), 6/22:70; Preacher’s Paperback Library (Fortress Press), 6/22:85; Preceptor Editions (Fortress Press), 2/10:89; Rand McNally Globe Library, 6/22:70; Seabury Paperbacks (Seabury Press), 6/8:116; Tartan Books (David McKay). 1/6:59: Willow Books (Pyramid). 4/27:60; Witness Books (George A. Pflaum). 2/10:89
Volume 186 (July - December, 1964)
Paperback books: paperback bibliographies prepared by Henry Lash, 8/17:12; Bowker initiates inventory control system for paperback booksellers, 8/ 17:25, 9/7:40; “The Paperback Goes to School,” 1964-65, issued, 9/14:22; statistics show increasing importance of paperbacks in religious field. 9/28: 98; production of paperback editions of Warren Commission Report described (article), 10/5:80; N.Y.C. schools survey usefulness of paperbacks as textbooks, 10/5:96; changes in paperback industry quoted from book by John Tebbel, 10/19: 24; “Paperbacks in the General Bookstore” by G. Roysce Smith, 10/19:43; new movable paperback display fixture described, 10/26:36; statistics on distribution of paperbacks to Great Lakes area schools, 10/26:12; paperbacks discussed from viewpoint of publishers, booksellers, wholesalers at ABA regional meetings, 11/9:40; importance of paperback wholesalers to booksellers (editorial), 11/9:50; reply by Louis Epstein to editorial stresses need for higher discounts, 12/7:21; New American Library offers paperback gift packs for Christmas, 11/9:61; use of paperbacks in schools discussed at BMI convention, 11/9:85
New lines: Book-Sized Paperbacks (Random House, Pantheon, Knopf), 7/27:36; Dues/Century Books (Paulist Press), 7/27:48; Eagle Books (Popular Library), 7/20:68; Little New World Paperbacks (International Publishers), 8/3:41; Men Who Make the Council (Univ. of Notre Dame Press), 7/6:53; Preacher’s Paperback Library (Fortress Press), 8/ 3:41; Walker Paperbacks (Walker & Co.), 8/10:33
Volume 187 (January - June, 1965)
Paperback books: “Production and Design Aspects of Time’s Distinctive Paperback Program” (article), 1/4:86; booksellers quote experiences with 1964 paperback business, 1/18:53; 1965 title statistics, 1/18:58; “1964 Paperback Best Sellers in the Bookstores,” 1/18:72; 1964 trends in paperback publishing analyzed, 1/18:73; paperback stores opened in 1964, 1/18:128; Cambridge, Mass, committee studying paperbacks in public schools issues report, 2/22:88; role of paperbacks in education to be topic of national conference, 3/8:37; bookseller’s sales gain when paperbacks are arranged by subject, 3/22:62; titles recommended or required by schools listed by Paperbound Books in Print, 4/12:25; Amer. Bk. Pubrs. Council paperbound books committee reports on activities, 5/24:22; booksellers’ share in educational market for paperbacks discussed at Amer. Booksellers Assoc, convention, 6/21:52; paperbacks in bookstores a topic at Canadian Booksellers Assoc, annual meeting, 6/21:59
Volume 188 (July - December, 1965)
Paperback books: “Paperbacks for Children Win Sales” by Judith Noyes, 7/12:202; ABA issues “ABA Basic Book List of Paperbound Books,” 7/19:33; paperback sales lag in neighborhood stores because storekeepers find them a nuisance (letter), 7/26:17; James Michener sticks with hardback publisher on principle, 8/2:31; paperback sales in drugstores in 1964, 8/30:222; field of paperback smut publishing reviewed by N.Y. Times, 9/20:37; paperback sales and supply discussed at Detroit regional meeting of Amer. Book sellers’ Assoc., 10/4:36; Teachers College, Columbia Univ. announces program for conference on paperbacks in education, 9/20:46; 1000 paperbacks to be exhibited during conference, 10/4:45; conference reported, 11/1:13, correction, 11/15:41, additional sidelights, 11/1:9, editorial, 11/1:40; sessions on paperbacks in science teaching, 11/ 15:68; paperbacks in the bookstore discussed at Los Angeles booksellers’ regional meeting, 10/ 25:29; Scribner Book Store triples paperback business by moving dept., 10/25:71; necessity of multiple editions of classics questioned (editorial), 11/1:40
Volume 189 (January - June, 1966)
Paperback books: complaint about paperback covers (letter), 1/10:54; bookstores report paperback sales trends, problems, in survey, 1/17:45, addendum (letter), 2/28:47; 1965 title statistics, 1/ 17:52; 1965 paperback best sellers in the bookstores, 1/17:64; paperback publishers report on problems & challenges, 1/17:90, on direct order policies, 1/17:92; Amer. Booksellers Assoc, convention to feature paperback book show, 2/7: 60; trade and mass market paperback prices, 1962-65, by subject groups, 2/14:107; problems of paperback jobbers in providing educational service, 3/7:36; Kroch’s & Brentano’s, Chicago, discusses experience with paperback sales, 4/11: 47; Kroch’s and Brentano’s, Chicago, and Pickwick Book Shops, Calif., report paperback sales statistics for 1965, 4/18:106; “News of Paperback Books—Summer—Fall,” 6/6:161; future of paperback book business predicted, 6/13:77; design conference to plan units to house and display paperbacks in schools, 6/13:95; Teachers College, Columbia Univ., establishes Paperback Information Library, 6/13:96; techniques & problems of retailing paperbacks discussed at ABA annual meeting, 6/27:46
Volume 190 (July - December, 1966)
Paperback books: “ ’Paperback Revolution’ Hits France” bv Herbert R. Lottman, 7/18:41; conference discusses physical facilities in schools for handling paperbacks (article). 7/25:31, comment bv wholesaler (letter), 8/22:45; role of paperbacks in libraries discussed at Amer. Library Assoc, conference. 8/8:32: growth of paperback publishing in past 11 vears noted. 9/5-28: BIPAD issues elementary edition of “The Paperback Goes to School.” 9/26:61; Virginia Beach bookseller sues four publishers, local wholesaler for restraint of trade, 9/26:106: “Fine Art on Paperback Covers is Commercial and Artistic Success’ (article), 10/2:111; paperback wholesalers said to be holding larger inventories. 10/ 10-33 advantages to booksellers of paperback wholesalers, statistics on paperback sales in Seattle area, reported at Pacific Northwest Booksellers regional meeting, 10/17:36; Amer. Library Assoc, to report survev of use of paperbacks in public libraries. 10/17:39: Bowker publishes “Paperbound Book Guide for Elementary Schools,” 10/17:52; statistics on paperback sales in drugstores in 1965, 10/31:32; Ludington Plan to make paperbacks available in schools initiated bv Ludington News Co., Detroit (article), 11/21:30, see also BIPAD