Premier Books

Publisher: Fawcett

Years: 1955-

Related Series:

The Premier line had multiple sub-series that were interspersed throughout the Premier Books series:

  • Premier World Classics (1960)

  • Premier Americana (1960)

  • Premier Classics of American Realism (1960)

  • Premier Civil War Classics (1961)

  • Premier Behavioral Sciences (1962)

Ad, PW, Jan. 16, 1961, at [39] (summarizing Premier's sub-series).

FAWCETT, PW, Jan. 16, 1961, at 112 (announcing that Fawcett is mailing a bulletin on the first 6 Premier Civil War Classics titles to high school and college stores and general bookstores).

FAWCETT, PW, Oct. 30, 1961, at 41 (announcing that Fawcett has plans to bring out additional Premier Civil War Classic titles).

Premier Behavioral Sciences: New Paperback Series, PW, Mar. 12, 1962, at 38. (info on series number prefixes).